Donna Pachasa

Director of Finance and Administration

Donna Pachasa, the Director of Finance and Administration at Abundance Legacy, is an extensively experienced corporate finance professional from Corporate America. Her expertise includes dealing with budgeting, financial reporting, auditing and office operations. Retired but re-energized, Donna has worked as a fortune 400 corporate executive for 21 years in Corporate Real Estate. Before that, she served in management for 20 years in the Insurance Industry in Underwriting, Claims and Administration. Donna’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Criminal Justice from Rutgers. She held a New Jersey Salespersons License and was a certified LEED Green Associate. Donna has always aspired to do something extraordinary with her life. Using her finance and operations skills, she strives to help people around her and give back to the community. She has a strong compassion for financially restricted people who cannot access personal growth and development programs. She aims to help and empower such people to get connected with free to low-cost training programs that will impact their lives for the better and help them grow financially as well as at a personal level.

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